Note: These documents are in pdf format and are listed alphabetically by title. To search internally within each document, use Ctrl F (or Command F for mac users). Microsoft Word versions are also available for many of these documents (marked with an *), and may be requested here



The Doctrine of the Bhagavad Gita by Bhavani Shankar*

Bhagavad Gita Gods and Heroes - A Glossary*

Bhagavad Gita Guide to Pronounciation

Book of Images*

BP Wadia_Unpublished Letters (TM 1962)*

Conversations On Theosophy


Discourses on The Bhagavad Gita - T Subba Row*

Esoteric Buddhism by Sinnett*

Everyday Questions on the Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms*

Five Years of Theosophy*

Light of Asia By Sir Edwin Arnold

Light on The Path*

Living the Life by Wadia*

MAN-Fragments of a Forgotten History*

Oriental Department*

Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms*

Pistis Sophia*

Plato _ Complete Works - John M. Cooper & D. S. Hutchinson

Plotinus on The Beautiful*

Point Out The Way*



Studies in The Voice of the Silence*

Studies In The Secret Doctrine by B. P. Wadia

Subba_Row_collection_of_esoteric_writings 1910

The Anugita*

The Doctrine of the Avatars*

The Energetic Field of Mind*

The Function of Attention*

The life of Paracelsus*

The Mahatma Letters to Sinnett*

The Mystery of Buddha_Doctrine of the Avatars, BCW 14 - 382*

The Physics of the Secret Doctrine*

The Substantial Nature of Magnetism*

The Theosophical Movement*

The Triple Paramitas*

The ULT - Its Mission and Its Future*

The Upanishads*

The Work of Study*

Theosophy or NeoTheosophy*

Theosophical Articles and Notes*



